Willa and Ryan

Willa’s shorter denser fleece has been remarked upon before.  Her fleece doesn’t have the length and openness I prefer.  But, if the proof of a lovely fleece lies in the yarn produced, she has few equals with the soft and bouncy yarn from her fleece.

She also has few equals in the ease of lambing category. Last year, her first lambing, she came up to eat grain in the evening and then wandered out back. I was filling hay feeders, doing a few minor chores around the barn, when she came walking back with a lamb following. I couldn’t believe I’d missed the lambing!

This year, I was fortunate enough to witness the delivery of her twins.  When I check ewes, I figure I have an hour or two before labor if I see a ewe contentedly chewing her cud. Once again,  a Jacob Sheep has had a big laugh at my expense. Willa went from chewing her cud to nursing twins in less than an hour.

Two more ‘water babies’, born on another day of driving rain.

Patchwork Capri

and her brother, Patchwork Hobie

About patchworkfibers

Registered Jacob Sheep
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3 Responses to Willa and Ryan

  1. Nice! I hope your area dries out soon (and ours too, we are swimming).

  2. 8 more to lamb. Martha had a ram lamb yesterday.

  3. Josh bourget says:

    Awsome looking twins! congrats. how many more ewes to lamb?

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